Best management practices for mitigating impacts to Oregon white oak priority habitat

This publication provides guidance for offsetting impacts on Oregon white oak habitat when land-use activities are likely to degrade their function as wildlife habitat. It accomplishes this through guidance and direction that helps with:

  • mapping the extent of Oregon white oak woodlands,
  • assessing land-use impacts,
  • providing strategies to avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts,
  • designing and implementing a mitigation plan, and
  • post-implementation adaptive management guidance when mitigation is not going as planned.

Landowners and developers can use the measures described in this publication to help them comply with county and municipal land-use laws required by Washington's Growth Management Act.

Suggested citation

Nolan, M. P., and J. M. Azerrad. 2024. Management recommendations for Washington's priority habitats: Best management practices for mitigating impacts to Oregon white oak priority habitat. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.